Dammit, Casper!

So there I was, sprawled out on the bed, soaking in some much-needed downtime. I had my music going, probably some sweet 90s jams that take me back to the simpler days of Trapper Keepers and Tamagotchis. Life was good. I was in my happy place. Meanwhile, Rex was in the thick of his VR Skyrim adventure. You know, just another day in the life of The Glorious Train Wreck Mom household.

All of a sudden, Rex breaks my zen moment with a question that yanks me right out of my musical bliss. “Is there a cat on me?” he asks.

Now, let me set the stage here. When a man asks if there’s a cat on him, you start wondering about his grip on reality. But this is VR Skyrim we’re talking about, so anything’s possible, right?

I glance over, and there he is, flailing his arms around like he’s trying to fight off an invisible dragon. I can see that he’s really into it, but there is definitely no cat in sight. “No, babe, there’s no cat on you,” I assure him, trying to suppress my laughter.

But then Rex, in his full-on dragon-slaying mode, says he felt someone push the chair. Now, this is where things get interesting. In my mind, I’m already picturing our mischievous ghost, Casper the Broke Ghost, having a little fun at our expense. Because let’s face it, if ghosts exist, mine would definitely be a broke smartass.

So, I decide to have a little fun of my own. “How about y’all move some money this way?” I call out to the empty room. “Or at least move a broom. And no! Knocking it over doesn’t count.” I chuckle, thinking that’ll be the end of it.

But wouldn’t you know it, not two seconds later, the broom freaking falls over. The damn broom. The universe really likes to mess with me, I swear.

I just sit there, staring at the broom in utter disbelief. Rex, still lost in his VR world, has no idea what’s just happened. But I know. Oh, I know. Those ghostly smartasses got me good this time.

So, lesson learned: when you’re chilling in bed and your husband thinks he’s in Skyrim, always expect the unexpected. Especially if your house is inhabited by prankster spirits who apparently have nothing better to do than knock over brooms and mess with your head.

Until next time, remember to keep your sense of humor, even when the supernatural decides to join in on the fun. And maybe, just maybe, our ghostly friends will start moving some money around instead of just brooms. A mom can dream, right?

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