Thanksgiving Book Tag

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My brain is turning to mush. Today’s one of those days when it’s hard to wake up and think. So, to compensate, I’m giving you another book tag.

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Please consider donating to help keep this going. $1 and I’ll ask you what your favorite book is so we can talk about it. $5 and I’ll write a review of a book you suggest. $10 and I’ll write a blog suggested by you. As always, I will link the books and where you can buy them. Until I get my Amazon affiliate status back, I’ll be using Books A Million links but I’m not an affiliate with them. Yet. I am an affiliate with ShopStyle and will have a link at the end of this post for something everyone needs during the holidays. Yes, I do earn money when you click but it comes at no cost to you. So, thank you.

This tag was created by Erin & Becca and I found the tag over on The Sassy Book Geek

1. Bread- What book is purely fluff, and has no real plot line?

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson and Jerome Charyn

Listen. I know. It’s a classic. But here’s the thing. I was expecting so much more from this. I expected action and a little romance. I expected The Hoff and Jekyll and Hyde. And although this was beautiful to read, there wasn’t much there.

2. Turkey- What book made you want to fall asleep?

Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen

I tried. I really did. But I swear this was infused with Xanax. No jokes. Fifteen minutes in and I was sawing logs.

3. Gravy- What book makes the whole series worth reading?

Once Upon a Grind by Cleo Coyle

I absolutely love Cleo Coyle and this book series. But this one was so amazing. The fairy tale elements were woven in almost like it was a fantasy instead of a mystery. If you only read one Cleo Coyle, this should be it. But I guarantee, you’ll want to start the series from the beginning and read it all the way through.

4. Stuffing- What book is stuffed full of action scenes?

The Savior’s Champion by Jenna Moreci

You knew I had to throw Jenna in here. She’s amazing and talented and why haven’t you read this book???? It’s action, adventure, lies, treachery, romance, and have you seen fan art for Tobias and Leila? Hello?????????? Twenty men in a labyrinth designed to kill them. In fighting among the contestants. This is stuffed full of gut wrenching, blood dripping, sweat running action scenes.

5. Mashed Potatoes- What book looked good, and then wasn’t?

From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

I had such high hopes for this. I did. I heard it was so good. So, I got it. And didn’t make it past chapter three. 1. I am not the target audience. 2. I like spice but I need something for that Tabasco to be on. You can’t just give me a bottle of hot sauce and call it good. I literally had no reason to care what was happening to the girl in the book and why.

6. Cranberries- What book has the sweetest romance?

Murder, She Wrote : Coffee, Tea, or Murder? by Jessica Fletcher and Donald Bain

Listen. I love me some Jessica Fletcher. I used to imagine her being my grandmother. I always thought the doctor was sweet on her but it’s George from Scotland that has her eye and maybe her heart. And I am here for every sweet, stolen minute. Like, let this lady have some happy. She deserves it.

7. Corn- What’s the corniest book you’ve ever read?

Haunted: Perron Manor

This book pulled out every lame trope possible. So, predictable. Even with the “clickbait” title.

8. Green beans- What book is too long and needs to be shortened?

The Seven Dials Mystery by Christie, Agatha

This book kept dragging on. Like at one point I thought I started reading it backwards. Slow and long. I just wanted it to be over.

9. Pumpkin Pie- What book do you read to get out of a reading slump?

Murder, She Wrote : Killing in a Koi Pond by Jessica Fletcher and Terrie Farley Moran

Not this book specifically, but the series. I can always pick up a Murder, She Wrote and be cured of Reader’s Block.

10. Dog/Cat- What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food that you would steal from the table?

Photo by RODNAE Productions on

See that bird there? Ima grab that bird and a bowl of cranberry sauce and go sit in my reading spot and be happy. And on the way, Ima knock over those pickles. Who has pickles on the table at Thanksgiving? No. Just no. Put those next to the deviled eggs. In the trash.

I tag anyone who wants to give this Thanksgiving Book Tag a go! Just be sure to tag the creators Erin & Becca and where you saw the tag.

Again, if you like what I post, please like, comment, share, and subscribe. Please consider donating to help keep this going. $1 and I’ll ask you what your favorite book is so we can talk about it. $5 and I’ll write a review of a book you suggest. $10 and I’ll write a blog suggested by you. If you read any of the books listed, please let me know what you thought of it. That’s all I’ve got for today, train wrecks. All aboard.

I’m including a little printable to dress up your walls for the holiday. You can print it and slap it in a Dollar Store frame. Boom. Easy.

Listen, you’re going to need something to put those leftovers in. So, why not save the butter containers and use these. Look, you can see in them. No more guessing what’s in them.

2 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Book Tag

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  1. I love The Coffeehouse Mystery series, too! The whole series is absolutely fantastic (I’m dying for the next book to come out next year!), but Once Upon a Grind really captured my fantasy-loving heart. I love that more and more of the books are diverting from the first few and adding in new ideas and twists. Always so much fun to read!

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